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Dark Forests, Moving Castles

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If you’re interested in the current state and potential futures of online culture, I think you’ll really like this new collection of essays from Metalabel: The Dark Forest Anthology of the Internet.


The setup is charming: an initial essay on “dark forests” from Yancey Strickler in 2017 inspired a response on the “cozy web” by Venkatesh Rao, which inspired an illustration by Maggie Appleton, and so on.

This metaphor of a dark forest (inspired by Cixin Liu’s idea in The Three-Body Problem) — a non-indexed, non-optimized online gathering space where people have opted out of the unsafe and exploitative nature of the “clear net” — crystalized the detached, disillusioned feeling I’ve had toward the current SEO-optimized, corporate state of the web.

I also loved Arthur Roing Baer and GVN908’s experiments with the idea of a “moving castle” (of course inspired by the Ghibli film) — mini-communities that are collective, modular, portable, and interoperable. This put an interesting focus on technical protocol as a key element in community design.

And Yancey’s closing essay on the post-individual state. We do contain multitudes.

The collection also provides a great list of groups or people to follow for related ideas:

And the book itself is a lovely piece of print design.

The first edition sold out in a few days, they just released a second edition. https://darkforest.metalabel.com/dfa2

There’s also a panel with a bunch of the authors today at 3pm ET

I will definitely revisit this book so I thought I would share.

PS, thanks to everyone who came here from my CreativeMornings FieldTrip! I’m glad the ideas resonated and please feel free to reach out with any afterthoughts :)

Think in 4D is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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5 days ago
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How Do You Say ‘Danger’ in Sperm Whale Clicks?

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This is part one of a two-part series. Part two will be published on Monday, April 15.

Sperm whales don’t sing melodious, moaning whale songs like their humpback cousins. The biggest predator on the planet communicates in clicks, called codas. Some compare the sounds to popping popcorn or frying bacon in a pan. For CUNY biologist David Gruber, it resembles “morse code or techno music.” 

Gruber, the founding president of Project CETI, the Cetacean Translation Initiative, often listens for hours in his New York office to the sperm whale chats his team has recorded in the Eastern Caribbean.

Sperm whale birth seen from above in the Eastern Caribbean.
Project CETI records sperm whale codas around the Eastern Caribbean island of Dominica. Courtesy of Project CETI

CETI focuses on sperm whales for several reasons. One reason is that it can build on the audio recordings that whale biologist Shane Gero has already been collecting for 15 years with the Dominica Sperm Whale Project. Gero was able to show that sperm whale families have different dialects, much like British and American English. “Another reason is that the sperm whale has been vilified as a killer, Moby Dick as a leviathan,” Gruber says. “Meanwhile it could be one of the most intelligent, sophisticated communicators on the planet.”

While the humpback whales sing their soprano songs primarily for mating, sperm whales are communicating to socialize and exchange information. CETI has already discovered that the communication patterns are complex. “Their codas are clicks, they are like ones and zeros, which is very good for cryptographers,” Gruber explains. “The combination of advanced machine learning and bioacoustics is slated to be the next microscope or telescope in terms of our ability to really listen more deeply and understand life at a new level.”

CETI’s team operates a giant whale-recording platform from a 40-foot sailboat off the coast of Dominica, a volcanic island in the Caribbean with a stable sperm whale population. Both by tagging the whales and installing whale listening stations with microphones dangling deep down into the ocean on floating buoys, CETI is recording several terabytes of data every month. The scientists are creating a three-dimensional interactive map of the whales within a 20-kilometer radius, combining sounds with data such as the whales’ heart rates. 

The post How Do You Say ‘Danger’ in Sperm Whale Clicks? appeared first on Reasons to be Cheerful.

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10 days ago
Wow, whale speech!
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Pluralistic: The unexpected upside of multinational monopoly capitalism (10 Apr 2024)

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Today's links

Abraham Bosse's 17th century etching of David with a defeated Goliath. In the original, David marvels at his sling while standing astride the giant head of Goliath, which has been severed and sports a notable forehead-dent. The image has been modified, replacing the rock in David's sling with the Earth, and adding a monocle and top-hat to Goliath's severed head.

The unexpected upside of global monopoly capitalism (permalink)

Here's a silver lining to global monopoly capitalism: it means we're all fighting the same enemy, who is using the same tactics everywhere. The same coordination tools that allow corporations to extend their tendrils to every corner of the Earth allows regulators and labor organizers to coordinate their resistance.

That's a lesson Mercedes is learning. In 2023, Germany's Supply Chain Act went into effect, which bans large corporations with a German presence from using child labor, violating health and safety standards, and (critically) interfering with union organizers:


Across the ocean, in the USA, Mercedes has a preference for building its cars in the American South, the so-called "right to work" states where US labor law is routinely flouted and unions are thin on the ground. As The American Prospect's Harold Meyerson writes, the only non-union Mercedes factories in the world are in the US:


But American workers – especially southern workers – are on an organizing tear, unionizing their workplaces at a rate not seen in generations. Their unprecedented success is down to their commitment, solidarity and shrewd tactics – all buoyed by a refreshingly pro-worker NLRB, who have workers' backs in ways also not seen since the Carter administration:


Workers at Mercedes' factory in Vance, Alabama are trying to join the UAW, and Mercedes is playing dirty, using the tried-and-true union-busting tactics that have held workplace democracy at bay for decades. The UAW has lodged a complaint with the NLRB, naturally:


But the UAW has also filed a complaint with BAFA, the German regulator in charge of the Supply Chain Act, seeking penalties against Mercedes-Benz Group AG:


That's a huge deal, because the German Supply Chain Act goes hard. If Mercedes is convicted of union-busting in Alabama, its German parent-company faces a fine of 2% of its global total revenue, and will no longer be eligible to sell products to the German government. Chomp.

Now, the German Supply Chain Act is new, and this is the first petition filed by a non-German union with BAFA, so it's not a slam dunk. But supermajorities of Mercedes workers at the Alabama factory have signed UAW cards, and the election is going to happen in May or June. And the UAW – under new leadership, thanks to a revolution that overthrew the corrupt old guard – has its sights set on all the auto-makers in the American south.

As Meyerson writes, the south is America's onshore offshore, a regulatory haven where corporations pay minimal or no tax and are free to abuse their workers, pollute, and corrupt local governments with a free hand (no wonder American industry is flocking to these states). Meyerson: "The economic impact of unionizing the South, in other words, could almost be placed in the same category as reshoring work that had gone to China."

The German Supply Chain Act was passed with the help of Germany's powerful labor unions, in an act of solidarity with workers employed by German companies all over the world. This is that unexpected benefit to globalism: the fact that Mercedes has extrusions into both the American and German political spheres means that both American and German workers can collaborate to bring it to heel.

The same is true for antitrust regulators. The multinational corporations that are in regulators' crosshairs in the US, the EU, the UK, Australia, Japan, South Korea and beyond use the same playbook in every country. That's doubly true of Big Tech companies, who literally run the same code – embodying the same illegal practices – on servers in every country.

The UK's Competition and Markets Authority has led the pack on convening summits where antitrust enforcers from all over the world gather to compare notes and collaborate on enforcement strategies:


And the CMA's Digital Markets Unit – which boasts the the largest tech staff of any competition regulator in the world – produces detailed market studies that turn out to be roadmaps for other territories' enforces to follow – like this mobile market study:


Which was extensively referenced in the EU during the planning of the Digital Markets Act, and in the US Congress for similar legislation:


It also helped enforcers in Japan:


And South Korea:


Just as Mercedes workers in Germany and the USA share a common enemy, allowing for coordinated action that takes advantage of vulnerable flanks wherever they are found, anti-monopoly enforcers are sharing notes, evidence, and tactics to strike at multinationals that are bigger than most countries – but not when those countries combine.

This is an unexpected upside to global monopolies: when we all share a common enemy, we've got endless opportunities for coordinated offenses and devastating pincer maneuvers.

Hey look at this (permalink)

A Wayback Machine banner.

This day in history (permalink)

#20yrsago Promising anti-obesity pill https://web.archive.org/web/20040419011611/http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/apr2004/tc2004048_9548_tc122.htm

#20yrsago NDP leader Jack Layton endorses P2P https://memex.craphound.com/2004/04/09/canadas-ndp-leader-endorses-p2p/

#20yrsago EFF on Gmail https://web.archive.org/web/20040420195950/https://blogs.eff.org/deeplinks/archives/001375.php#001375

#15yrsago Cold dead hand of Frank Herbert reaches up from grave, stabs Dune Second Life megafans in the back https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2009/04/enforcers-of-dune.html

#15yrsago French government nukes crazy Internet law in open revolt against Sarkozy https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2009/apr/09/france-illegal-downloads-state-surveillance

#10yrsago NSA spies on human rights groups, including those in the USA https://techcrunch.com/2014/04/08/snowden-council-of-europe-testimony/

#10yrsago Prosecutors wage war on judges who insist on fairness https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2014/03/07/judge-says-prosecutors-should-follow-the-law-prosecutors-revolt/

#10yrsago LAPD officers sabotage their own voice-recorders: nothing to hide, nothing to fear? https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/04/lapd-officers-monkey-wrenched-cop-monitoring-gear-in-patrol-cars/

#5yrsago Today, Michigan regulators vote on conservative education “reform” plan to purge the word “democracy” from curriculum https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/04/michigan-conservatives-vie-to-cut-democracy-from-classroom.html

#5yrsago The Chinafication of the internet continues as the UK proposes blocking any service that hosts “illegal” or “harmful” material https://memex.craphound.com/2019/04/09/the-chinafication-of-the-internet-continues-as-the-uk-proposes-blocking-any-service-that-hosts-illegal-or-harmful-material/

#5yrsago How to Do Nothing: Jenny Odell’s case for resisting “The Attention Economy” https://memex.craphound.com/2019/04/09/how-to-do-nothing-jenny-odells-case-for-resisting-the-attention-economy/

#1yrsago How To Make a Child-Safe TikTok https://pluralistic.net/2023/04/09/how-to-make-a-child-safe-tiktok/

Upcoming appearances (permalink)

A photo of me onstage, giving a speech, holding a mic.

A screenshot of me at my desk, doing a livecast.

Recent appearances (permalink)

A grid of my books with Will Stahle covers..

Latest books (permalink)

A cardboard book box with the Macmillan logo.

Upcoming books (permalink)

  • Picks and Shovels: a sequel to "Red Team Blues," about the heroic era of the PC, Tor Books, February 2025

  • Unauthorized Bread: a graphic novel adapted from my novella about refugees, toasters and DRM, FirstSecond, 2025

Colophon (permalink)

Today's top sources:

Currently writing:

  • A Little Brother short story about DIY insulin PLANNING

  • Picks and Shovels, a Martin Hench noir thriller about the heroic era of the PC. FORTHCOMING TOR BOOKS JAN 2025

  • Vigilant, Little Brother short story about remote invigilation. FORTHCOMING ON TOR.COM

  • Spill, a Little Brother short story about pipeline protests. FORTHCOMING ON TOR.COM

Latest podcast: Subprime gadgets https://craphound.com/news/2024/03/31/subprime-gadgets/

This work – excluding any serialized fiction – is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. That means you can use it any way you like, including commercially, provided that you attribute it to me, Cory Doctorow, and include a link to pluralistic.net.


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"When life gives you SARS, you make sarsaparilla" -Joey "Accordion Guy" DeVilla

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12 days ago
Hooray, truly good news!
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The saga of the Coyote vs. Acme movie and what it says...

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The saga of the Coyote vs. Acme movie and what it says about today’s overly complex media landscape. “Millions of dollars and thousands of hours went into creating something that could simply vanish into accounting.”

💬 Join the discussion on kottke.org

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12 days ago
"vanish into accounting" - another way of describing Capitalism, as it continues apace to turn the entire world into capital.
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On casting a ‘protest vote’ for RFK Jr.

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On casting a ‘protest vote’ for RFK Jr.

Normally, I consider an anonymous or pseudonym-signed reply to an online story as Exhibit A of profiles in cowardice. (Letters published in newspapers must have genuine John Hancocks.)

But I’m making an exception for “mrmxbn’s” retort to Meryl Kornfield’s Washington Post story about how narcissistic nut-job Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s conspiracy-fueled campaign for president is attracting support from both the far left and far right. “Mrmxb” aimed his fire leftward, maybe figuring that though Kennedy leans Trumpward, the MAGA faithful tend to march lock step to The Donald’s drum.

Kennedy, who rides in the anti-vaxxer clown car, claims he’s not running as a spoiler. But in her article, Kornfield includes his claim that Joe Biden — the guy the rest of the Kennedy clan is all in for — is a greater threat to our democracy than Trump.

Even before that statement, Kennedy bashed Biden a lot more than he trashed Trump. Several planks in Junior’s platform are Trumpy. Too, a MAGA “mega donor” has sent “major donations” Kennedy’s way.

Anyway, RFK Jr., like Trump a self-absorbed con man, has long been a purveyor of some of the far right’s kookiest conspiracies. “... As often happens when people adopt one conspiracy theory, they often start believing in others,” Amanda Marcotte wrote in Salon, adding, “Conspiracy theories also pull people to the right, and Kennedy is no exception.”

Remember when he said scientists secretly fixed the COVID 19 virus so it would be lethal for whites and Blacks but not for Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people? Is he bucking for Secretary of Science Disinformation or maybe Ambassador to Outer Space in a Trump II cabinet?

“Mr. Kennedy has made his political career on false conspiracy theories,” recalled New York Times political writer Jonathan Weisman “But his suggestion that the coronavirus pandemic spared Chinese people and Jews of European descent strayed into new and bigoted territory.”

His father, a tireless champion of civil rights, didn’t have a bigoted bone in his body.

“Mrmxbn” didn’t pull punches in pointing out the dangerous folly of punishing the president over Gaza or whatever by voting for RFK Jr. I found his (or her) reply as substantive as Kornfield’s story:

If you’re thinking of throwing your vote away this year by voting for Kennedy to “punish Biden” or to “punish the Dems,” you already tried that in 2016 and this is where we are. There are only two people who have a chance to be the next president – Trump and Biden. If Biden loses he will go to his beach house in Delaware with his wife and grandkids and live out his golden years.

You’re not punishing him or the Democratic party; you’re punishing yourself.

A vote for Kennedy is ostensibly a vote for Trump.

If your collective votes for Kennedy allow Trump to return to the White House, Biden will have passed away while you’re still having your rights stripped away, one by one, by extreme right christo-fascist loons. Gaza will be leveled. Trump is on TV saying he supports Israel “finishing the job.” Taiwan will be taken by China. Ukraine will be taken by Russia. NATO will be weakened considerably. Muslim Americans will be rounded up and deported. Hispanic Americans will be rounded up and deported. There is zero chance at universal healthcare.

But please carry on with your “protest” as you shoot yourself in the foot to “punish” an 81 year old man who doesn’t need this crap, but is doing it to protect you from Trump, and apparently yourselves. Where were you when Roe v Wade was overturned? I was in a voting booth in November of 2016 voting for Hillary. Where were you? Were you voting for Jill Stein then? How many protest votes will it take for you to learn to not be stupid?


Read the whole story
14 days ago
True dis. I voted for 3rd party candidates a few times in my life, but it was in elections where neither of the mainstream candidates was the threat that Agent Orange is.
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Pluralistic: Meatspace twiddling (26 Mar 2024)

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Today's links

A comic-book panel illustrating the final stage of the shell game, in which the con artist lifts the shell to reveal nothing beneath it. I have inserted a banana, making it appear as though that was what was hidden under the shell. The background of the panel has been altered to insert the 'code waterfall' effect from the Wachowskis' Matrix movies. The code waterfall fades out halfway down the image.

Meatspace twiddling (permalink)

"Enshittification" isn't just a way of describing the symptoms of platform decay: it's also a theory of the mechanism of decay – the means by which platforms get shittier and shittier until they are a giant pile of shit.

I call that mechanism "twiddling": this is the ability of digital services to alter their business-logic – the prices they charge, the payouts they offer, the particulars of the deal – from instant to instant, for each user, continuously:


Contrary to Big Tech's own boasting about its operations, the tricks that tech firms play to siphon value away from business customers and end-users aren't very sophisticated. They're crude gimmicks, like offering a higher per-hour wage to Uber drivers whom the algorithm judges to be picky about which rides they'll clock in for, and then lowering the wage by small increments as a way of lulling the driver into gradually accepting a permanent lower rate:


This is a simple trick. The difference is that tech platforms like Uber can play it over and over, and very quickly. There's plenty of wage-stealing scumbag bosses who'd have loved to have shaved pennies off their workers' paychecks, then added a few cents back in if a worker cried foul, then started shaving the pennies again. The thing that stopped those bosses was the bottleneck of payroll clerks, who couldn't make the changes fast enough.

Uber plays crude tricks – like claiming that a driver isn't an employee because the control is mediated through an app – and then piles more crude tricks on top – this algorithmic wage discrimination gambit.

Have you ever watched a shell-game performed very slowly?


It's a series of very simple gimmicks, performed very quickly and smoothly. Computers are very quick and very smooth. The quickness of the hand deceives the eye: do crude tricks with superhuman speed and they'll seem sophisticated.

The one bright spot in the Great Enshittening that we're living through is that many firms are not sufficiently digitized to to these crude tricks very quickly. Take grocery stores: they can get up to a lot of the same tricks as Amazon – for example, they can charge suppliers for placement on the most prominent, easiest-to-reach shelves, reorganizing your shopping based on which companies pay the biggest bribes, rather than offering the best products and prices.

But Amazon takes this to a whole different level – beyond simply organizing their product pages based on payola, they do this for search. You ask Amazon, "What's your cheapest batteries?" and it lies to you. If you click the first link in a search-results page, you'll pay 29% more than you would if you got the best product – a product that is, on average, 17 places down on the results page. Amazon makes $38b/year taking bribes to lie to you:


Amazon can do more than that. Thanks to its digital nature, it can continuously reprice its offerings – indeed, it can simply make up each price displayed on every product at the instant you look at it – based on its surveillance data about you, estimating your willingness to pay. For sellers, Amazon can continuously re-weight the likelihood that a given product will be shown to a customer based on the seller's willingness to discount their products, even to the point where they go out of business:


Twiddling, in other words, lets digital services honeycomb their servers with sneaky wormholes that let them siphon value away from one kind of platform user and give it to another (as when Apple silently began spying on Iphone owners to create profiles for advertisers), or to themselves.

But hard-goods businesses struggle to do this kind of twiddling. Not for lack of desire – but for lack of capacity. Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon Fresh – an online grocery store – can change prices and layout millions of times per day, at effectively zero cost. Jeff Bezos, owner of Whole Foods – a brick-and-mortar grocer – needs a army of teenagers on rollerskates with pricing guns to achieve a fraction of this agility.

So hard-goods businesses are somewhat enshittification-resistant. It's not that their owners are more interested in the welfare of their customers, workers and suppliers – they merely lack the capacity to continuously rejigger the way their business runs.

Well, about that.

Grocers have been experimenting with "electronic shelf labels" in order to do "dynamic pricing" – that means that prices change quickly, in response to circumstances:


This doesn't have to be bad! As @planetmoney points out, it's a little weird that grocers don't discount milk whose sell-by date is drawing near. That milk is worth less to shoppers, because they have to use it more quickly lest it expire. Instead of marking down the price of perishable goods – day-old lettuce, yesterday's bread, etc – grocers put them on the shelves next to fresher, more valuable products, leading to billions of dollars' worth of food-waste and and unimaginable quantities of methane-producing, planet-cooking landfill.

In Norway, ESLs are pretty well established and – at least according to Planet Money's reporting – they are used exclusively to offer discounts in order to reduce waste. They make everyone better off.

But towards the end of the story, they note that Norway's grocery sector – which alters prices up to 2,000 times per day – has been accused of using ESLs to rig prices, hiking them and blaming them on pandemic supply-chain problems and loose monetary policy. Greedflation, in other words.

Greedflation is rampant in the grocery sector, all around the world. Remember when the price of eggs doubled and they blamed in on bird-flu, even as the CEO of the one company that owns every egg brand you've ever heard of boasted about how he could hike prices and suckers would just pay it?


In Canada, grocers rigged the price of bread, the most Les-Mis-ass form of corporate crime you can imagine (do you want guillotines, Galen Weston? Because this is how you get guillotines):


EU grocers – another highly concentrated industry – also collude to rig prices:


Which is all to say that while these companies don't have to use the twiddling capabilities that come with ESLs to enshittify their stores, we'd be pretty fucking naive to assume that they won't.

And here's the bad news: US grocers like Whole Foods (owned by Amazon, the company that wrote the enshittification playbook) are already experimenting with ESLs. So is Alberstons/Safeway, the massive, inbred conglomerate that has already demonstrated its passion for using twiddling to fuck over their workers:


Economists love "price discrimination" – where prices change based on circumstance, trying to match the perfect price with the perfect customer. On paper, that sounds plausible: if I need a quart of milk for a recipe I'm making tonight and I get a 50% discount on some about-to-expire 2%, then everyone's better off. I get a discount and the grocer gets some money for milk they'd have to throw away at the end of the day.

But these elegant, self-licking ice-cream cones only emerge if the corporation offering the deal is constrained. Perhaps they're constrained by competition – the fear that you'll go elsewhere. Or perhaps they're constrained by regulation – the fear that they'll be punished if they use twiddling-tech to cheat you.

The grocery sector, dominated by a cartel of massive companies that routinely collude to rip us off, is not constrained by competition. And for years, regulators let them get away with ripping us off (though finally that might be changing):


For neoclassical economists, the answer to all this is "caveat emptor" – let the buyer beware. If you want to make sure that ESLs are only used to offer you discounts and not to gouge prices, all you need to do is note the price of everything you buy, every time you buy it, and triple-check it every time you go back to the grocery store. Just be eternally vigilant!

Thing is, the one thing computers are much better at than humans is vigilance. With ESLs and other twiddling mechanisms, you're a fish on a hook, and the seller is tireless in giving you a little more slack, then a little less, until you finally drop your guard.

Economists desperately want these elegant models to work, but "efficient market hypothesis" is a brain-worm that always turns into apologetics for fraud. Dynamic markets sound like a good idea, but they are catnip for cheaters. "Just be eternally vigilant" is miserable advice, and no way to live your life:


In his brilliant novel Spook Country, @GreatDismal describes augmented reality as "cyberspace everting" – that is, turning inside-out:


The extrusion of twiddling technology from digital platforms into the physical world isn't cyberspace everting so much as it is cyberspace prolapsing.

Hey look at this (permalink)

A Wayback Machine banner.

This day in history (permalink)

#20yrsago VLC will play iTunes Music Store tracks https://memex.craphound.com/2004/03/25/vlc-will-play-itunes-music-store-tracks/

#15yrsago British local governments deploy anti-teenager pink lights designed to make kids ashamed of their appearance http://architectures.danlockton.co.uk/2009/03/26/anti-teenager-pink-lights-to-show-up-acne/

#15yrsago Congress considers inventory of spectrum use in America https://memex.craphound.com/2009/03/25/congress-considers-inventory-of-spectrum-use-in-america/

#15yrsago Live notes and streams from the FTC’s hearing on DRM in Seattle https://web.archive.org/web/20090329200416/https://teleread.org/2009/03/25/ftc-drm-town-hall-meeting-now-in-session/

#15yrsago Ankle weights save tippy strollers from forgetful parents (like me) https://web.archive.org/web/20090327143337/http://www.parenthacks.com/2009/03/add-ankle-weights-to-umbrella-strollers-to-keep-them-from-tipping.html

#10yrsago Oh No Ross and Carrie: podcasting investigative journalists join cults, try woo, and get prodded — for science! https://memex.craphound.com/2014/03/25/oh-no-ross-and-carrie-podcasting-investigative-journalists-join-cults-try-woo-and-get-prodded-for-science/

#10yrsago Judge tells porno copyright troll that an IP address does not identify a person https://torrentfreak.com/ip-address-not-person-140324/

#10yrsago AT&T to Netflix: if you don’t bribe us to do our job, you’re asking for a “free lunch” https://memex.craphound.com/2014/03/25/att-to-netflix-if-you-dont-bribe-us-to-do-our-job-youre-asking-for-a-free-lunch/

#10yrsago LAPD says every car in Los Angeles is part of an ongoing criminal investigation https://gizmodo.com/los-angeles-cops-argue-all-cars-in-l-a-are-under-inves-1547411605

#10yrsago Big Data Hubris: Google Flu versus reality https://gking.harvard.edu/files/gking/files/0314policyforumff.pdf

#10yrsago James Kochalka’s “The Glorkian Warrior Delivers a Pizza” https://memex.craphound.com/2014/03/25/james-kochalkas-the-glorkian-warrior-delivers-a-pizza/

#5yrsago Chinese censors incinerate entire run of a kickstarted Call of Cthulhu RPG sourcebook https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9Urosc-JEY

#5yrsago London developer makes last-minute changes to lock poor kids out of “communal” playground https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/mar/25/too-poor-to-play-children-in-social-housing-blocked-from-communal-playground

#5yrsago Peak Indifference: are we reaching climate’s denial/nihilism tipping point? https://www.wired.com/story/peak-indifference-on-climate-change/

#5yrsago Rebooting UUCP to redecentralize the net https://web.archive.org/web/20190324140104/https://uucp.dataforge.tk/

#5yrsago The Vessel: a perfect symbol for the grifter capitalism of New York City’s privatized Hudson Yards “neighborhood” https://thebaffler.com/latest/fuck-the-vessel-wagner

#1yrago The Golden Rule (them what has the gold makes the rules) https://pluralistic.net/2023/03/25/consequentialism/#dotards-in-robes

Upcoming appearances (permalink)

A photo of me onstage, giving a speech, holding a mic.

A screenshot of me at my desk, doing a livecast.

A grid of my books with Will Stahle covers..

Latest books (permalink)

A cardboard book box with the Macmillan logo.

Upcoming books (permalink)

  • Picks and Shovels: a sequel to "Red Team Blues," about the heroic era of the PC, Tor Books, February 2025

  • Unauthorized Bread: a graphic novel adapted from my novella about refugees, toasters and DRM, FirstSecond, 2025

Colophon (permalink)

Today's top sources:

Currently writing:

  • A Little Brother short story about DIY insulin PLANNING

  • Picks and Shovels, a Martin Hench noir thriller about the heroic era of the PC. FORTHCOMING TOR BOOKS JAN 2025

  • Vigilant, Little Brother short story about remote invigilation. FORTHCOMING ON TOR.COM

  • Spill, a Little Brother short story about pipeline protests. FORTHCOMING ON TOR.COM

Latest podcast: The Majority of Censorship is Self-Censorship https://craphound.com/news/2024/02/25/the-majority-of-censorship-is-self-censorship/

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"When life gives you SARS, you make sarsaparilla" -Joey "Accordion Guy" DeVilla

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27 days ago
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